Escape From Tarkov: Customs Map Guide(Extraction, Keys & More) (2024)

Customs is a medium-sized, but an incredibly dynamic map and one of the best maps that you can have the pleasure to play on in Escape from Tarkov. It is one of the first few maps that new players will engage with.

And so, mastery of how to handle its hardest spawn locations, manage the most difficult extractions and find the best loot will be the factor that differentiates the good players from the best.

It is for this reason that this guide will help not just new players, but also experienced players looking to get an edge over the competition.

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Basic Layout Of Customs Map

Escape From Tarkov: Customs Map Guide(Extraction, Keys & More) (1)

The design for the Customs map largely feels like a massive Industrial sector of sorts. And so it makes sense why there are many basic infrastructure facilities.

There are many interesting features to this particular map, such as the freight train terminal or the dorm buildings, storage areas, officers, and various other unfinished structures.

All of these are insanely fun to traverse, find secrets within and get into very frequent gunfights. Customs can hold from 6-12 PMCs at any given time and there are several Scav bots roaming around all the time.

What’s good about this map is that you will either be spawned on the West or East section of the map, and this makes orientation for the player easier as depending on where you spawn you know where exactly to push towards for more action or loot.

All Useable Keys In Customs Map

1. Tarcone Director’s Office Key

Escape From Tarkov: Customs Map Guide(Extraction, Keys & More) (2)

You can find this key in jacks and bags on the Customs map. And it can be used at the top of the staircase in the large warehouse building, also known as the Big Red building, far to the east of the map.

2. Portable Cabin Key

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This key opens up a customs guard cabin and can be obtained by searching jackets and bags of Scavs. This key can also be bought at the flea market.

3. Trailer Park Portable Cabin Key

Escape From Tarkov: Customs Map Guide(Extraction, Keys & More) (4)

This key can be randomly obtained through jackets, Scav bags and it is the starting equipment players get for the Golden Swag task from Skier.

4. Factory Emergency Exit Key

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This key is extremely useful and can open up several doors. The first of which is the ZB-013 extraction just below the Scav stronghold and the second is opening doors in the crane yard near the New Gas Station.

5. USEC Stash Key

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This is one of the best keys after the Factory Emergency Exit key. This is because this key gives you access to a host of useful loot that you can claim, especially early on in the game in order to start building some resources for yourself.

Recommended Keys to bring for Dorms:

  1. Dorm Room 204 Key
  2. Dorm Room 214 Key
  3. Dorm Room 314 Key
  4. Dorm Room 105 Key
  5. Dorm Room 110 Key
  6. Dorm Room 114 Key

Primary Spawn Locations in Customs Map

Every Customs match that players load into they will either start on the West or East side of the map, as there is a high concentration of spawn locations there, and thus will be required to reverse all the way over to the other side of the map in order to reach their objectives, or complete the requirements of their Quest or missions.

Most Dangerous Spawn Locations

The Old Gas Station or Shipping yard spawn locations are the most dangerous spawns on this map.

They are on the Eastern end of the map and the issue with these spawns is that unless you have a Factory Emergency Exit Key (with at least two charges) you will not be able to safely traverse out of this area.

Players will be forced into a small chokepoint exit to the northeast and will be barraged with combat and enemies, so make sure to keep a key with you or be prepared for a fight.

Easiest Spawn Locations

The easiest spawns are on the West-side of the map. Some notable ones are the Trainyard, the Customs building spawn, and the parking spawn.

This is because players have a relatively easier time finding out which direction they have to head (East) and have a variety of routes to approach the active battlezone that is the river almost always.

All Extraction Points Within Customs Map

1. Crossroads Extraction

This extract is a PMC extract that players can find always open. It is located in the northwestern corner of the map. There are some cars in this location that provide cover whilst being shot at, but for the most part, players will be surrounded with a good clear vision of their immediate and distant surroundings.

2. Trailer Park Extraction

If you move downwards from the Storage facility in the east you can find this Trailer Park extract close to the South Wall.

3. ZB-1011 Extraction

This extract can be found in the Southeastern corner of the map. This extraction looks like a bunker and can be accessed by opening the rebar gate blocking the path. However, be wary of campers hiding in the location of this extraction.

4. Dorms Extraction

The Dorms are an amazing location to find some incredible loot. However, there is also an extract in that location for those looking to make a quick buck. There is an SUV parked at the Northern exterior wall which after being paid a few roubles will allow you to extract.

5. Smuggler’s Boat Extraction

There is a campfire located at the north of the river. If the campfire is lit this means you can access this extraction.

6. RUAF Roadblock Extraction

There is a Russian roadblock at the Southern Part of the river. If the searchlight at the roadblock is on this means that the gate is open and players can be extracted.

7. ZB-1012 Extraction

In the Southeastern corner of the map, there is a second bunker. There is a searchlight here as well indicating its availability.

8. Old Gas Station Extraction

South of the Warehouse there will be a desolate Gas Station. If there is green smoke in this area that means this extraction is available.

Important Locations in Customs Map

1. Three Story Dorm Building

Escape From Tarkov: Customs Map Guide(Extraction, Keys & More) (7)

This building can be found in the Northern part of Customs and is north of the Construction Area as well. It is a building in the West. It has a tremendous amount of valuable loot and should not be missed out on.

2. Two Story Dorm Building

Escape From Tarkov: Customs Map Guide(Extraction, Keys & More) (8)

This building is also on the Northern part of the map and can be found directly East of the Three Story Building. It also contains a great deal of valuable loot for players.

3. New Gas Station

Escape From Tarkov: Customs Map Guide(Extraction, Keys & More) (9)

This location can be found to the North of the Shipping yard and to the Eastern part of the map. It is to the South of the Dorms.

It contains valuable loot such as Various Keys to Emercom Medical Unit, Goshan, Gas Station Storage Rooms, and numerous room keys. It also has various medical supplies, cash registers, and weapon boxes.

4. Construction Site

Escape From Tarkov: Customs Map Guide(Extraction, Keys & More) (10)

Can be found in the middle of the map and are located directly to the South of the Dorm buildings.

5. Customs Storage Area

Escape From Tarkov: Customs Map Guide(Extraction, Keys & More) (11)

On the West side of the Customs Map. It contains several important Keys and weapon crates/ Medcases.

6. Customs Area Train Yard

Escape From Tarkov: Customs Map Guide(Extraction, Keys & More) (12)

This location can be found on the South-Western part of the map. And is located Southwest of the main bridge area.

7. Old Gas Station

Escape From Tarkov: Customs Map Guide(Extraction, Keys & More) (13)

The Old Gas Station can be found on the South Eastern side of the map. And is directly to the South of the new Gas Station.

The Boss

Escape From Tarkov: Customs Map Guide(Extraction, Keys & More) (14)

The Boss in the Customs map is Reshala. He has 4 armed guards with him. Reshala can be encountered at either of the Dorm Buildings, the New Gas Station, or the Scav Stronghold.

Escape From Tarkov: Customs Map Guide(Extraction, Keys & More) (2024)
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Name: Dan Stracke

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Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.