Exploring Sensory Play with Shaving Cream: A Fun and Safe Experience for Preschoolers (2024)

Shaving cream sensory play is a fantastic way to engage and stimulate preschoolers' senses. This activity offers a multi-sensory experience that can be enjoyed through touch, sight, and smell. Not only is it a fun and exciting playtime option, but it also provides several benefits for young children's development.

One of the unique aspects of shaving cream play is that it allows children to engage in messy play while still keeping things relatively clean. The cream provides a gooey and tactile sensation that children can explore with their hands and fingers. They can squish, squeeze, and mold the foam, creating various shapes and textures.

The visual aspect of shaving cream sensory play is also captivating for children. They can observe the cream expanding and changing shape as they manipulate it. The white, fluffy foam creates a visually stimulating environment that enhances their sensory experience.

Additionally, the smell of shaving cream adds another layer of sensory input. Children can enjoy the fresh and clean scent while they engage in play. This sensory stimulation helps to activate different areas of their brain and promote cognitive development.

Shaving cream play can be made even more exciting by experimenting with different temperatures. You can try using warm or cold shaving cream to provide a different sensory experience. Alternatively, freezing the shaving cream before play can create a unique texture and temperature sensation for children to explore.

It's important to ensure a safe environment for messy play. Lay out a protective surface or use a sensory bin to contain the shaving cream. This will make cleanup easier and allow children to fully immerse themselves in the activity without worrying about making a mess.

If you have concerns about using shaving cream with young toddlers, an alternative option is to use aquafaba. Aquafaba, the liquid from canned chickpeas, can be a safe substitute for shaving cream and dish soap in sensory bins. It provides a similar texture and sensory experience while being non-toxic for toddlers to play with under adult supervision.

Shaving cream sensory play offers a fun and engaging way for preschoolers to explore their senses. It provides a range of sensory experiences through touch, sight, and smell. With proper supervision and a safe play environment, children can enjoy the messy yet clean play that shaving cream provides. So, why not give shaving cream sensory play a try and watch your child's senses come alive!

Exploring Sensory Play with Shaving Cream: A Fun and Safe Experience for Preschoolers (1)

Is Shaving Cream Good for Sensory Play?

Shaving cream is excellent for sensory play. It offers a range of benefits and engages multiple senses in a fun and interactive way.

1. Touch: Shaving cream has a unique texture that can be squished, molded, and spread. Children can explore different tactile sensations by touching and manipulating the foam, enhancing their sensory development.

2. Sight: Shaving cream is typically white and visually appealing. Children can enjoy watching it change shape and form as they play with it, stimulating their visual perception and observation skills.

3. Smell: Shaving cream often has a mild and pleasant scent, which further enhances the sensory experience. The aroma can stimulate the olfactory senses and contribute to a more engaging playtime.

4. Messy, yet clean play: Shaving cream provides a messy play experience without leaving a lasting mess. It is easy to clean up and does not stain surfaces or clothing, making it a convenient choice for sensory play.

5. Versatility: Shaving cream is a flexible sensory material that can be used in various ways. Children can use their hands or tools like spatulas, paintbrushes, or even toys to explore and create different shapes and patterns in the foam.

Shaving cream is an excellent choice for sensory play as it engages multiple senses, offers a clean and versatile play experience, and stimulates children's sensory development.

How Do You Use Shaving Cream for Sensory Play?

To use shaving cream for sensory play, follow these steps:

1. Set up a safe play area: Choose a suitable space for messy play, such as a large tray or a plastic tablecloth laid on the floor. Ensure that the area is easy to clean.

2. Gather your materials: Collect various objects that are safe for sensory play, such as plastic toys, fake flowers, or textured balls. Place them on the play area.

3. Prepare the shaving cream: Remove the cap from the shaving cream canister, ensuring the nozzle is pointing away from yourself and any others nearby. This prevents accidental spilling or spraying.

4. Apply the shaving cream: Hold the canister about 12 inches above the play area and press the nozzle to release the shaving cream. Move your hand in a sweeping motion to cover the objects with a thick layer of foam. Use enough shaving cream to create a sensory experience, but avoid excessive amounts that may cause it to become messy beyond control.

5. Explore different sensations: Once the objects are covered in shaving cream, encourage sensory exploration. Children or participants can touch, squish, and manipulate the foam, feeling its texture and temperature. You can also introduce additional sensory elements by incorporating warm or cold objects, or even frozen items, into the foam.

6. Supervise and enjoy: As the participants engage in the sensory play, ensure that they are safe and monitor their actions. Encourage them to express their reactions and emotions, fostering a positive and enjoyable experience.

7. Clean up: After the sensory play is complete, discard any objects that cannot be reused or wash them thoroughly. Use a damp cloth or wipes to remove the shaving cream from surfaces, and ensure proper disposal of any waste.

Remember, sensory play with shaving cream should always be supervised, especially with young children, to ensure their safety and well-being.

Is Shaving Cream Safe for Kids to Play With?

Shaving cream can be considered safe for kids to play with, as long as there is careful adult supervision. Here are some points to consider:

1. Non-toxic formula: Most shaving creams available in the market are formulated with non-toxic ingredients. This means that even if a child accidentally ingests a small amount, it is unlikely to cause harm.

2. Skin-friendly: Shaving creams are designed to be gentle on the skin. They often contain moisturizing ingredients that can help keep the skin hydrated and prevent irritation. However, it is important to check the specific product label to ensure it is suitable for children.

3. Sensory play: Playing with shaving cream can be a great sensory activity for toddlers. They can explore different textures, practice fine motor skills, and engage in imaginative play. It can also provide a calming and therapeutic experience.

4. Supervision is key: Although shaving cream is generally safe, it is crucial to supervise children while they play with it. This ensures they do not put it near their eyes, mouth, or other sensitive areas. Additionally, it helps prevent them from accidentally ingesting large amounts or getting it on surfaces that may be difficult to clean.

5. Allergies and sensitivities: Some children may have allergies or sensitivities to certain ingredients in shaving creams. If your child has a history of skin reactions or allergies, it is best to consult with a pediatrician before allowing them to play with shaving cream.

Shaving cream can be safe for kids to play with under careful adult supervision. Ensure the product is non-toxic, suitable for children, and supervise their play to prevent any accidents or adverse reactions.

What is a Safe Alternative to Shaving Cream for Sensory Play?

A safe alternative to shaving cream for sensory play is aquafaba. Aquafaba is the liquid that is leftover from cooked chickpeas or the liquid in canned chickpeas. It has a similar texture and consistency to shaving cream, making it a great substitute for sensory play. Here are some reasons why aquafaba is a safe alternative:

1. Non-toxic: Unlike traditional shaving cream, aquafaba is completely non-toxic. It is made from natural ingredients and doesn't contain any harmful chemicals or additives.

2. Allergen-friendly: Aquafaba is a great option for children with allergies or sensitivities. It is free from common allergens like dairy, nuts, and gluten, making it suitable for a wide range of children.

3. Edible: While we don't recommend eating shaving cream, aquafaba is safe to ingest. So, if a child accidentally puts it in their mouth during sensory play, there is no need to worry.

4. Easy to clean: Aquafaba is water-soluble, which means it can be easily rinsed off from hands, clothes, and other surfaces. This makes clean-up a breeze and ensures that no residue is left behind.

5. Versatile: Aquafaba can also be used as a safe alternative to dish soap in sensory bins. It can help create a foamy texture without any worries of toxicity.

Aquafaba is a safe and non-toxic alternative to shaving cream for sensory play. It is allergen-friendly, edible, easy to clean, and versatile. So, parents and caregivers can feel confident using aquafaba in sensory activities for toddlers without any concerns about safety.


Shaving cream sensory play offers preschoolers a unique and engaging experience that stimulates multiple senses and promotes learning and development. The creamy texture and vibrant colors of the foam engage the sense of touch and sight, allowing children to explore and create with their hands. The pleasing scent of the shaving cream also adds another sensory element to the play.

Shaving cream play not only provides a fun and messy play experience but also offers several benefits for children. It helps to develop fine motor skills as they manipulate and mold the foam, improving their hand-eye coordination and dexterity. The sensory nature of the activity also promotes sensory integration, allowing children to explore different textures and sensations.

Another advantage of shaving cream play is that it provides a safe and clean messy play experience. Unlike other messy substances, shaving cream is easy to clean up and does not leave any stains or residues. This allows children to fully immerse themselves in the sensory play without parents or caregivers worrying about the mess.

Furthermore, shaving cream can be used in various ways to enhance the sensory experience. It can be warmed or chilled to provide different sensations, or even frozen to create a unique sensory activity. The versatility of shaving cream allows for endless creativity and exploration.

For those concerned about the ingredients in shaving cream, aquafaba can be used as a safe and non-toxic alternative. Aquafaba, the liquid from canned chickpeas, can replace shaving cream and dish soap in sensory bins, providing a similar sensory experience for toddlers without any worries of toxicity.

Shaving cream sensory play is a fantastic way to engage children's senses, promote sensory development, and provide a safe and enjoyable messy play experience. It offers endless possibilities for creativity and exploration, making it a valuable activity for preschoolers.

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Exploring Sensory Play with Shaving Cream: A Fun and Safe Experience for Preschoolers (2024)


Exploring Sensory Play with Shaving Cream: A Fun and Safe Experience for Preschoolers? ›

So if shaving cream is a developmentally appropriate activity choice for your group (regardless of how old they are) you can use it but if your evaluator shows up, and there are children under the age of 3 using it, you need to be within arms reach of the children or it could lower your score.

Is shaving cream safe for preschoolers? ›

So if shaving cream is a developmentally appropriate activity choice for your group (regardless of how old they are) you can use it but if your evaluator shows up, and there are children under the age of 3 using it, you need to be within arms reach of the children or it could lower your score.

What are the benefits of foam sensory play? ›

It's open-ended and child-led, it allows children to learn about their world, it helps them develop their motor skills, it encourages problem solving, and it fosters independence and imagination, among other things.

Why is sensory play good for preschoolers? ›

Sensory play has an important role in your child's development. Not only does it help your child engage their five senses—sight, smell, hearing, touch, and taste—but it also boosts their language skills and motor skills. Sensory play also promotes exploration, creativity, curiosity, and problem-solving.

What are the benefits of playing with shaving cream for preschoolers? ›

Shaving cream is a relatively mess-free way to play with textures! It can also help kids develop fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination by picking up, moving, and drawing with their fingers in the shaving cream. You can draw shapes, simple figures, or letters to engage your child in more learning activities.

Is it safe for children to play with shaving foam? ›

Both shaving foam and shaving cream are great to use for all sorts of fun kids activities and messy play ideas for toddlers and preschoolers. Have a go at some of these ideas at home, from foam dough, to sand foam, shaving foam paints, rain clouds and more.

Why is shaving cream good for sensory play? ›

Benefits of Shaving Cream Play
  • Sensory Exploration: Shaving cream is a unique texture that can provide children with a sensory experience that is both tactile and visual. ...
  • Fine Motor Skill Development: ...
  • Handwriting Readiness/Preparation: ...
  • Emotional Regulation/Mindfulness. ...
  • Social-Emotional/Language Development.
Apr 19, 2023

How do you use shaving cream for sensory play? ›

Shaving Cream Sensory Activity Tray

Just spray the shaving cream in tray, smoothen it out and put few drops of food coloring. Then I asked my daughter to mix and explore using a popsicle stick but after sometime she wanted to put her hands in…. Absolute messy funtime!!

How do you play shaving cream with kids? ›

  1. Open up a shaving cream bakery. ...
  2. Messy shaving cream art window painting. ...
  3. Shaving cream sensory bin. ...
  4. Writing and mark-making in shaving cream. ...
  5. Make your own shaving cream mosaic. ...
  6. Marbled painting prints with shaving cream art. ...
  7. Sensory play with shaving cream play dough. ...
  8. Paint perfect pictures with puffy paint.
Mar 13, 2024

What are the learning outcomes of sensory play? ›

Sensory play helps children to develop both fine and gross motor skills. As children use their pincer grip, pick things up, measure, pour and manipulate objects they develop their fine motor skills. As children explore and run, stomp and more they develop their gross motor skills.

What do children learn from sensory play? ›

Sensory play is a lot of fun. It also offers many benefits for child development, including: Helping children understand how their actions affect what's around them. Supporting brain development, enhancing memory, complex tasks and problem solving.

What is the safe foam for sensory play? ›

Aquafaba and cream of tartar come together to make a stable, edible foam that is perfect for sensory play!

How does sensory play calm children? ›

Play With A Purpose

"It fosters the development of essential skills in all children, supporting their growth and learning. Sensory toys that offer tactile sensations, soothing sounds, and visual features can effectively promote relaxation and reduce anxiety in children."

What are some examples of sensory play? ›

Let's talk about sensory play, primarily the sense of touch through tactile, hands-on play. Our favorite sensory play ideas for toddlers to preschoolers and beyond include sensory bins, sensory bottles, playdough, slime (especially taste-safe slime for younger kids), water play, messy play, and more.

What is sensory exploration? ›

Children use their senses to explore and are eager to make sense of the world around them. They do this by touching, tasting, smelling, seeing, moving and hearing. Senses in this context also covers movement, balance, and spatial awareness.

Can toddlers eat shaving cream? ›

The ingredients, which include soaps, surfactant, and propellant, are mildly toxic, but not serious if ingested in small amounts. Children might be attracted to shaving cream because it's fun to play with.

What is a safe alternative to shaving cream for sensory play? ›

This sensory foam is so easy to make and is a great taste safe alternative to shaving cream so perfect for little ones.

Should I let my 7 year old shave? ›

Ultimately, there is no right or wrong age for when should a girl start shaving her legs. The most important thing for her to know around the question of “Should I shave my legs?” is that it is a personal decision for her to make.

What age should a kid start shaving? ›

It's a conversation that you'll need to discuss with them.” “Some girls start shaving their legs as early as age 10 or 11, some girls don't even think about shaving legs up to age 20 and others don't want to shave at all,” Dr. Kronborg added. “The same goes for boys.

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Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.