Sensory Bins for Toddlers - Busy Toddler (2025)

Are sensory bins good for toddlers? Short answer: yes. Creating sensory bins for toddlers allows them to build skills and understanding through play-based, hands-on learning. Sensory bins are easy, in-expensive, and effective for supporting toddler in their growth and development – but (spoiler alert) they don’t have to be messy to be fun.

Sensory Bins for Toddlers - Busy Toddler (1)

Table of Contents:

  1. How do you make a sensory bin for a toddler?
  2. Creating a safe sensory bin for toddlers
  3. Limiting tools to help focus toddler attention
  4. How to support motor skill development
  5. What are the best sensory bins for toddlers?
  6. Frequently Asked Questions

I know how terrifying it looks seeing a toddler with a sensory bin.

Oh yes, lady on the Internet, let’s give my child – who loves to make messes – access to materials to make even more messes.

Before we even begin, let’s get two truths nailed down right away so we are both on the same page:

  1. Sensory bins do not have to be messy. The messy does not mean more learning. Toddlers can learn how to play within sensory bin rules and boundaries.
  2. Sensory bins are some of the most powerful learning tools available in the home environment. Let’s use what we have access to.

RELATED: What even is a sensory bin? If you are trying to get caught up on what sensory bins are, make sure to check out this post.

How do you make a sensory bin for a toddler?

Toddler sensory bins on the surface level may seem the exact same as a big kid sensory bin.

Conceptually, yes: it’s the same idea.

A sensory bin is container filled with materials and tools for the child to interact with in a safe, tactile experience.

But for toddlers, we have a few other factors to consider:

  • Creating a taste-safe space
  • Limiting tools (to avoid overwhelming the toddler)
  • Supporting motor skill development

Fancy list, cool cool: How do we translate this into safe, effective sensory bins for toddlers?

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Creating a safe sensory bin for toddlers

Tops of the list for creating sensory bins for toddlers is making sure the materials the toddler is interacting with are taste-safe and won’t pose a choking hazard.

This will not be the case with all sensory bins, which is why it’s important to have a list of go-to, toddler-specific sensory bins that avoid certain materials for this highly curious (lickable and tastable) crowd.

Taste-safe sensory bin bases for toddlers

  • Dry rice (plain rice or dyed rainbow colors)
  • Water
  • Cornmeal
  • Cereal
  • Dry oatmeal
  • Jell-O

RELATED: How do you introduce sensory bins to toddlers AND keep them from making a mess? Try the tips in this post.

As much fun as it may be to toss anything and everything into a sensory bin, the key to supporting toddlers in their sensory play is having only a few tools on hand.

When toddlers have too many options, they can have a hard time committing to a tool. This impacts their focus, engagement, and ability to sustain play in the sensory bin.

This is literally the opposite of our goal.

Instead, limit the tools and options in a toddler sensory bin. Let them laser focus on one tool and super develop skills with it. It may seem counter-intuitive, but less choices equals more play for kids.

RELATED: Why is sensory play important for kids? What sort of skills do kids develop in sensory play? Find out here.

Sensory Bins for Toddlers - Busy Toddler (5)

How to support motor skill development

Toddlers develop an incredible amount of motor skills in sensory bins – but that also means we need to take a little extra care with set up that we fully consider the child, the tools, and the development.

If a tool is too advanced for a child, frustration may lead them not to play.

As you set tools and equipment into the sensory bin, make sure the child can use it. Have they used tongs before? Do they know how to squirt from a pipette? Are they strong enough to lift that pitcher of water?

These (and many many other questions) go through my head as I’m setting up sensory bins for toddlers. You know your child/audience best so you’ll be the best judge for their abilities.

And don’t forget to model how to use tools. Toddlers may need a quick teaching or refresh on how to make the tools works.

RELATED: What basic supplies are needed for sensory bins? Check out this post on sensory bin basics.

What are the best sensory bins for toddlers?

This list of sensory bin ideas for toddlers was carefully curated.

In each, I considered safety, easy of play, accessibility, tools, and overall ability to support a toddler’s growth and development.

Sensory bins are one of the best tools to use for play and learning in the home environment, but finding sensory bins that are safe to use with toddlers (and they they can be successful with) can be challenging.

Enjoy this curated list of sensory bins for toddlers.

Rainbow Rice with Funnels

Rainbow Rice will forever be the GOAT of toddler sensory bins for me. The colorful rice is simple to dye, lasts for years, and creates an inviting sensory experience like none other.

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Sensory Bins for Toddlers - Busy Toddler (7)

Muddy Monster Truck

Is it messy? Yes. Is it simple? Totally. Taste-safe? Of course. If you have a toddler who is into trucks, this is The Activity for them. Don’t overlook this one (and consider playing with it in the bathtub or shower for easy clean-up).

Sensory Bins for Toddlers - Busy Toddler (8)

Bug Sensory Bin with Cereal

Cereal is a fantastic taste safe option for sensory bins. Save the cereal in an art tight container for future play after this experience is over.

Cornmeal Scooping Bin

Could this be any easier to set up? Cornmeal, egg carton, formula scoop. Toddler sensory bin is ready. Don’t miss this incredibly simple idea.

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Dyed Noodle Sensory

Noodles have such a fun texture for play in the toddler years – plus talk about a great taste-safe option. Bonus idea: dye the noodles for extra fun.

Sensory Bins for Toddlers - Busy Toddler (11)

Taste Safe Kinetic Sand

Kinetic sand is awesome but toddlers eating store-bought kinetic sand… not so awesome. Try making this taste-safe option instead.

Oatmeal Sensory Bin

My toddler was an old pro at sensory bins, but the first time he tried dry oatmeal the base, he declared it the “best sensory bin ever.” Dry oatmeal can be saved for years.

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Water Pouring Station

Don’t forget water! One of the best (and easiest) sensory bins for toddlers is a good ol’ fashioned pouring station. These are the best!

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Sensory Bins for Toddlers - Busy Toddler (14)

Chickpea Foam

The taste-safe alternative to bubble foam is Chickpea Foam. This stuff is thick, fluffy, and a riot for toddlers to play with.

Sensory Bins for Toddlers - Busy Toddler (15)

Construction Sensory Bin with Cereal

Another cereal sensory bin and this one with a construction theme. Sensory bins for toddlers don’t need to be grand in size – this is a fantastic idea on a smaller scale.

Scoop and Transfer Sensory

One of the best aspects of sensory play for toddlers is the connection to life skills. In this simple set-up, the toddler is working on “scoop and transfer” skills moving the dry rice to smaller bowls.

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Sensory Bins for Toddlers - Busy Toddler (17)

Flower Sensory Bin

Flowers in a sensory bin. It’s a fantastic way for toddlers to get up close and personal with nature, and begin noticing details. This bin is simple and perfect.

Puzzle Sensory Bin

Have chunky puzzles at home? Hide them in the sensory bin! This brings life back to old puzzles, and may entice kids who are hesitant to play in a sensory bin to engage with one.

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Toy Washing Sensory Bin

One of my favorite activities for toddlers is having them wash the toys. In this bin, plastic toys are paired with water, brushes, and towels. Optional: bubbles.

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Trucks & Oats

Another simple toddler sensory bin: trucks and oats. These kind of easy, uncluttered bins make for the best toddler play moments.

Frequently Asked Questions

What age are sensory bins for?

Sensory bins (depending on the material) can be created for a child once they can sit up on their own. Water in a cookie sheet is a great first sensory exploration option – with supervision of course. Around 12 months old, dry rice is often a first sensory bin option. Children continue to enjoy sensory bins and sensory play past age 10.

Are sensory bins always messy?

NO! Sensory bins do not have to be messy for the child to get the full benefit. Set rules. Have boundaries. Teach your child to play with a sensory bin that same way you taught them not to throw food at the table or dump water out of the bath. You didn’t stop serving food because they dumped a plate. You worked with them. You showed them how to eat without dumping. Do the same for sensory bins.

What is the best sensory bin for toddlers?

The best sensory bin for toddlers is the rice bin. It’s simple, easy, inexpensive, and can be used and reused for years.

Sensory Bins for Toddlers - Busy Toddler (21)

Susie Allison, M. Ed

Owner, Creator

Susie Allison is the creator of Busy Toddler and has more than 2 million followers on Instagram. A former teacher and early childhood education advocate, Susie’s parenting book “Busy Toddler’s Guide to Actual Parenting” is available on Amazon.

    Sensory Bins for Toddlers - Busy Toddler (2025)


    What are the learning outcomes of sensory bins? ›

    A sensory bin aids math skills development as children play with different filler materials. For example, they can practice counting by adding things like marbles to a bin. They can also learn about sorting and volume by separating similarly shaped objects and filling or emptying a sensory bin.

    Are sensory bins good for 2 year olds? ›

    Children learn so much during unstructured free play – problem solving, emotional regulation, imitation, social skills, language, fine motor skills, the list is endless. So giving them new experiences in the form of a sensory bin will help them develop and hone so many new skills, all while having a blast!

    Are sensory bins fine motor skills? ›

    Sensory bins support your child's development in several ways: Improve fine motor skills. Digging, pouring, stirring, and scooping can strengthen your child's hand muscles and improve their fine motor skills.

    What age should you start sensory bins? ›

    At the toddler stage, from ages 2 to 3, kids are typically ready to engage with more toys. A great place to start are sensory bins—literally, a bin or box filled with various materials meant to stimulate the senses.

    What are the benefits of sensory bin play? ›

    Sensory bins can boost your child's motor skills. Additionally, adding toy tools such as shovels, spoons, and tweezers can help develop coordination as well. Actions like scooping, digging, and pouring toys and materials will all help improve motor skills. Sensory bins can be a great tool to help your child learn!

    What are the outcomes of sensory activity? ›

    Sensory play encourages learning through exploration, curiosity, problem solving and creativity. It helps to build nerve connections in the brain and encourages the development of language and motor skills.

    How do I know if my 2 year old has sensory issues? ›

    Signs of sensory processing disorder include sudden mood swings and strange behavior. Kids with sensory issues might avoid bright lights or loud noises, run around crashing into things, throw tantrums, or appear clumsy.

    Do toddlers get over sensory issues? ›

    Some kids grow out of these issues completely. Some kids, especially autistic kids, have them their whole lives. But as they get older, they usually learn to cope with many of the things that bothered them as young kids. Sometimes as people grow up, they're more able to handle distress than they were as kids.

    Why use sensory bins in speech therapy? ›

    Sensory bins are a favorite tool of speech therapists, teachers and parents alike! They provide an immersive, hands-on opportunity for children to practice their speech and language skills. Here's what you need to know to integrate this easy tool into your life.

    What is sensory motor behavior? ›

    It refers to a sensory–motor arc organized at a spinal level such that when the sensory part is activated by a stimulus, a simple and stereotyped motor response is elicited. From: Encyclopedia of Infant and Early Childhood Development, 2008.

    What are examples of sensory motor learning? ›

    Examples of sensory-motor skills include catching a ball, riding a bicycle, or typing on a keyboard. Sensory-motor skills are typically developed through central-nervous system integration and are refined over time through practice, feedback, and error correction (Asan et. al, 2021).

    Are sensory bins necessary? ›

    Sensory bins provide children with the opportunity to explore and learn through hands-on tactile play that engages their senses. These bins encourage and support various types of development and are great activities to have in your home.

    How do you make a sensory bin for a 2 year old? ›

    Pom Pom Color Sort – Mix together pom poms and beans and then add clear bowls into which toddlers can sort the colorful pom poms. Bath Toys and Beans – Adding little animals, in this case bath toys, to a bin full of beans is one of the easiest and most effective sensory bins for toddlers.

    What are the rules for the sensory bins? ›

    Use visual supports to help your learners remember the rules for the sensory bins (use hands only, put on lid when finished, complete seek and find, raise hand if you need help, keep the materials in the box.) Use a visual timer to help your students transition when the time comes.

    Why is sensory play important for 2 year olds? ›

    But do you know why they're so vital and why they're even more important for children as they grow? Sensory play focuses on activities that engage your child's senses, helping them develop language skills and motor skills. It also helps with cognitive growth, fosters social interactions and encourages experimentation.

    How can I help my 2 year old with sensory overload? ›

    Would it help to take a nap, go outside and play, retreat to a quiet room or leave the party? Give your child sensory toys, such as squeezy balls or buzzers, or make sure they always have their favorite blanket or stuffed animal. This can help create a sense of calm and security. Make time for physical exercise.

    How can I help my 2 year old with sensory issues? ›

    Children can also work on sensory challenges by doing chores and other activities around the house. It's an easy way to integrate sensory activities into daily life while helping them build essential life skills. Some examples include: Cooking: Have the child wear disposable gloves to roll dough or mold cookies.

    How can I help my 2 year old with sensory seeking? ›

    Include the sensory activities they are seeking out and help them complete those activities a specific number of times. Include counting, singing, and “stop!” at the end. For example, if your toddler seeks out vestibular and proprioceptive input, set up a 2 step obstacle course with couch cushions and a tunnel.

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    Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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    Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.